
Contact COLLAB Architecture about your next project.

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9217 Eastman Park Dr., Unit 3, Windsor, Colorado




    Architectural Designer

    Email: brienne@collabarchitects.com
    Education: Colorado State University – Interior Design


    From a young age, Brie grew up with an appreciation for architecture. Growing up in a military family, she was raised on weekend building tours from all over the world. With that exposure, came an appreciation for the way spaces were tied into memories, gatherings, and culture.

    Eventually, her family settled down in Colorado, and she attended Colorado State University for Interior Design. While in school, she completed a masters class on creativity in design, and earned certificates for aging in place and green building. Brienne also served as a student ambassador for the college of health and human sciences in the planning and curriculum formation for the Richardson Design center.

    After graduation, Brie worked in both Denver and Fort Collins. She gained diverse experience and skills in creating floor sets, sales, and furniture refinishing, as well as creating land planning, park design, commercial architecture, and multi family documents.

    Brie’s favorite part of a project is the brainstorming and research that goes into solving a clients problem. She loves collaborating with clients, and learning new approaches and skills to better be of assistance to them.

    When not at work, she can often be found dressed up in crazy makeup and wigs, reading books, taking care of houseplants, trying new recipes in the kitchen, or spending quality time outdoors to decompress.